Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Hustle and Bustle of February

February is always and exciting month in the world of cross stitch. The designers are all geared up for the Nashville Market and WOW! this years is no different. I will be posting the new items for quite a while.

Many have designs that are 'monthlies' that will continue through the year. All very enticing. Designers have coupled with thread distributors to make shopping easier. Some have even included the buttons/charms with the chart.

This year, we are very glad to have a way of expressing our thanks to Kris Stott for all that she meant to this industry and to each of us who relied on her guidance. Designers have come up with so many designs that they have been put into themes. This first release is now available. Norden Crafts, owned by Kris and her husband Dave, are donating the profits to Kris's other passion....animals. Much needed assistance for animals will be given by Norden Crafts in Kris's name. At last count, more than sixty-five designers have contributed designs and some wonderful memories of Kris. Ask to see 'Kris's Stitches' ......